Technological advancement (and its impact on information flow, globalization, buying behavior, manufacturing and service capability, social interaction, etc.) creates discontinuous change with impact as great as any in economic history. Coping with the strategic implications of such upheaval may stretch to the limit the capabilities of your company. The answers to new problems often won’t come from old approaches. Success requires innovation. Creative, data-inspired insights expertly executed and delivered rapidly.
At our sister firm, 80amps (, we achieve the impossible by thinking the unthinkable every day. Creativity flows from our remarkable pool of diverse talent. We produce magic. We train magicians. 80amps for enterprise applies these same skills and techniques to growing companies like yours, and the results are remarkable.
We believe in what we can accomplish together. So much so, in fact, that you may choose to pay our normal fees or opt for substantially reduced rates paired with agreed upon upside compensation based on our mutually developed performance metrics.